Eline Mooring
Eline is a specialist in the field of international trade law. Her practice focuses on all matters related to import and export of goods, services and technology, in particular export controls, sanctions and customs law. Eline has a strong interest in technology in all forms and finds it a special challenge in her work to bridge the gap between technology and law.
Eline both advises and litigates and represents national and international companies and organizations. In addition, Eline regularly writes articles for various professional journals in the field of export control and sanctions law, delivers trainings in this field and regularly appears as a speaker at national and international conferences. In 2024, Eline completed the post-master's degree in EU Customs Law at the University of Rotterdam.
+31 (0)6 13 04 90 00

2024 - present
Agorax | Attorney at law | Partner
2022 - 2024
BenninkAmar | Attorney at law
2018 - 2022
Kneppelhout & Korthals | Attorney at law
2023 - present
Association of International Young Lawyers (AIJA) – member Transport & Logistics law commission
2020 - 2021
Young Bar Association Rotterdam | President
2019 - 2020
Young Bar Association Rotterdam | Board Member
European Fiscal Studies | Post-master EU Customs Law
Leiden University | LL.M. European Law
Leiden University | LL.B.
- Sanctieovertredingen als ‘EU-misdrijf’: een stap dichter bij uniforme Europese handhaving?, TBS&H 2023.
- Annual developments in EU Sanctions Litigation, Sanctions 2024, ICLG.
- Compliance biedt kansen in een wereld vol sancties, Globe mei 2023
- Risk of violating US sanctions as a ground for force majeure: A Dutch perspective, WorldECR Issue 92
- Brexit: The next chapter, Weg & Wagen 95
- Dutch landscape – the ‘new’ EU exporter definition, WorldECR Issue 90
- EU herziet dual-use verordening, Globe juli 2021
- China already implementing new export control law in response to Huawei restrictions, WorldECR Issue 81
- Sanctions in Europe, Chapter the Netherlands, WorldECR, February 2020.
- Het exporteursbegrip in de Europese douanewetgeving, SDU 2020
- Aansprakelijkheid voor de doorvoer van strategische goederen zonder vergunning, Juridisch up to Date 2019/60